Visit us Whiskeys of the World 2024


                                 Chicago 11/22/2024

Coming off an amazing Whiskies of the World in Denver for both our  Kentucky 10 Bourbons and Noteworthy Butterscotch Bourbon brands we look to duplicate the excitement in Chicago on Friday November 22, 2024 @ the Intercontinental Hotel on Michigan Avenue.   Join us from 7:45pm – 10:30pm. Additionally, we will be pouring Play Like A Champion Today Bourbon Honoring Lou Holtz’s 100 coaching wins while at ND,


You can get your tickets for by clicking WOW Chicago and use discount code WOW2024 for 20% off


#Kentucky10bourbons #NoteworthyButterscotchbourbon #PlayLikeAChampionTodayBourbon